Monday, May 18, 2009


Birkley had been congested again just three days after she had finished her antibiotic so I took her back in to the doctor. Since we have ruled out several other things she wants to check her for reflux...although she is not spitting up, fussy, or any other side effects of, she thinks she might be refluxing and it is getting caught in a small pocket above her lungs and causing the continual infection. So, on Tuesday we go in for an upper GI scan. I am not worried at all about the scan...however I can not feed her after 4:30...and the scan is at 9:30...yikes! She is a growing girl...eating 5-6 ounces approx every 2 1/2 - 3 hours...yikes!
I will post the results...

stats at last dr visit...13 pounds!!!

1 comment:

Michelle Kiger said...

Hi Dee---
I just still cannot believe you have two children! :) It is hard to imagine...
They are adorable and I enjoy seeing them grow up on here.
But, I will soon have a freshman in high I am not sure why I don't believe it. LOL Boy, time flies, doesn't it?
I hope you have a wonderful summer! Tell your momma I said hello! Love, Michelle