Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

We went to the Maple Corner Restaurant with Rich's family and my mom for mother's day.

I am just so blessed this mother's day to have two wonderful, healthy, beautiful children...god truly has blessed me!

Grandma, Birkley, Me, and Treigh

1 comment:

Uptegrove Family said...

The kids look good!! they both are adorable. Ryley saw a pic of treigh the other day and said " Baby Treigh right mommmy? I said yes Ry, but he is not baby triegh any more he has a lil sister now, she is the baby he is a big boy now! Yes but, he is a baby in this picture mommy!" it was true he was. Sounds like you had a great Mothers day. I did as well. Miss you guys. Hope Birkleys appt. goes well. keep us posted! Love you all!!!