Saturday, December 5, 2009


The latest...
Birkley...where do I even begin. Well, she has been pulling up and walking aroung things for about a month now. Just last week she took 2-3 steps a couple of times. However, what I think is most impressive, (since I can brag), she can be sitting in the middle of the floor and just stand up...and remain standing for quite some time. She has even bent over and picked up a toy and stood back up. All I can say is that I think that she is going to be a "get into EVERYTHING" child.
Her vocabulary and sounds are growing everyday. She can now say ma-ma (which was her first word) da-da, no-no, hi, and Treigh has taught her to say blah-blah-blah...always followed by a laugh froom both of them. It is almost as if she knows she is being a stinker!
She cut her first tooth on Thanksgiving (bottom left). She has now officially banned baby food...she totally refuses all. She wants whatever we are eating.

Treigh is completely into whatever Rich is doing...I mean WHATEVER...peeing, eating, reading the get the point. He has been going to practice with Rich on Saturdays. The other evening as he was shooting buckets, I heard him saying all kind of coaching lingo...."get a rebound Jay, get there-get there, 22-22, slide, good job. There was no rhyme or reason, just constant...and always with Jay. Jay is the only basketball player that also plays baseball, so he is really the only one that Treigh knows very well. Anyway, he had a meltdown the other day because he couldn't fine a specific ball. Why it matters, because we literally have 50 balls in the living room alone. Anyway, he wanted this specific ball because that was his "coaching ball" that he "coaches Jay with." When not coaching, and just shooting, he often falls down and demands that one of us help him up like the players do each other. He also picked up some ball-handling drills etc from practice. He can wrap a ball around a single leg and has almost mastered the figure eight. He is getting much better at dribbling as well.
Potty training...I am not even going there. Although, he has started wearing underwear over his diaper every day (his choice). And, he did poop in the toilet last night for the first time by himself. I am just going to let him decide when to officially train himself????!!!!????!!!!????

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Santa Visit

I took Treigh and Birkley to visit Santa this past Sunday. They both absolutely loved him. Why wouldn't you love a santa that sings christmas songs with you while your mom is picking out the picture package that she want??? Anyway, a great Santa makes for a great visit, and yes, Treigh asked for "rakes and shovels."
I thought that this pic of the two of them was sooo cute...however, they both look a bit awnry too???

Happy B-day Daddy

Rich turned 35 on Sunday. I put a group of 3 candles on one side and a group of 5 on the other. treigh helped him blow them out...but they kept coming back. I absolutely hate those candles and in a rush at the store I accidentally picked up the reigniting candles. Then they made me mad all over again because they filled my house with this nasty smoke. But, anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY...daddy/Rich!

Thanksgiving 09

Rich's family and my mom came over for our annual Thanksgiving dinner. Treigh had a blast with the kids. Birkley loved the dinner. She had mashed potatos, noodles, sweet potatoe casserole, broccoli casserole, and green beans. She is already a better eater than Treigh!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fun Times

Treigh absolutely loves Burger King I try to get them one morning of the weekend. My plan was to go through the drive thru on Saturday morning on our way to Terre Haute, but before I got everyone ready, he had already eaten three I ran to bk this morning. Anyway, I got a BK mocha joe...Treigh begged to try it, I gave in (thinking what 2 year old likes coffee), now he loves it. He said all morning, "I like coffee!"
Here is Birkley enjoying her favorite snack, graduates corn puffs. She is starting to not like her baby food as well, especially when she can see "real" food on our plates. Thanksgiving will be fun!

My mom and I ran to Terre Haute Saturday to get the necesseties. While eating at Friday's both kids ended up on my lap before lunch was over!
Both kids have been doing well...relatively healthy so far. Treigh is a busy little dude, and Birkley is pulling up and walking around everything.
Here's a funny on Treigh...
After we made our second trip to TH on Saturday, as Rich informed me that he needed a new suit for basketball season...and there first game is next Wednesday, we ate dinner at Red Lobster. After absolutely stuffing myself I made the comment to Rich that he needed to drive. Treigh pipes up and says, "I can drive...I have gray hair." After we laughed, he said, "no guys, I can really do it...please!"

Saturday, November 7, 2009


On Thursday, November 5, our life changed drastically. My dearest, closest, best friend Brianne was faced with something no young mother ever prepares herself for. Her son Killian, who was Treigh's "bestest buddy," unexpectedly passed away.
Killian was a special person in our lives and we will forever remember and love him.
I ask all of you to keep their family in your prayers at this time.


We had a pumpkin farmer and his crop for Halloween. I don't know how many people told Treigh he was the smartest trick-or-treater they had seen all night bc we let him drive his tractor!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Carving Pumpkins

Treigh had an absolute blast this year and Birkley just wanted to eat!


I usually don't buy the holiday pj's other than Christmas, but we were somewhere the other evening and Birkley needed pajamas before we headed home because it was late. I found these Halloween pj's on sale and thought what the heck...and we can't even think about going to bed without our "keepies."

"Pumpkin Patch"

Ok, every time we have planned to go to the actual pumpkin patch it has turned out to be freezing and raining. We thought that we better go get [umpkins somewhere last night even if it was raining. We made our way to "Country Folks Greenhouse" near Bainbridge and picked out some pumpkins last night.

First Sleepover

Treigh went to his first sleepover this past weekend (besides Ga Ga). He went and spent the night with Cory, Kyle, and Katy in Linton.
When we met Aunt Lu to drop him off, he kissed us, said goodbye, and demanded that LuAnne "shut the door."
He had a blast...and threw an absolute fit when I went to pick hom up. He asked aunt Lu if he could come back next weekend. Thanks so much to Aunt Lu, Grandpa, and the kids for making his first sleepover a big hit!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How Sweet!

My precious angels!!!
This was the other morning as Rich and I were getting ready...I looked in and immediatley had to run and get the camera!
I was on fall break this past Thursday and Friday. We didn't do anything extra special, but is was SO nice getting to spend all day every day with the kids.
Birkley is now in full out crwl mode and has started getting into to everything...especially Treigh's "cool" toys. She has also started waving back at cute.
Treigh's newest is somewhat funny, but you have to blame Rich for the adult content. Treigh's reply to EVERYTHING you say is WHY. The other evening Rich replied back with, "why ask why, drink Bud Dry." Treigh laughed and replied to him, "yah dad, why ask why, drink butterflies." So now every time he asks Rich "why" they banter back with, "why as why, drink "butterflies.""
Treigh also has a new friend...imaginary that is. "Dinkie is now a somewhat permanent fixture in our house...sometimes he spends whole days in Rich's trunk, and others he joins us for dinner. Dinkie is not around all of the time, but will pop in at the most random times...LOL! We'll see where and how lond this goes?!?
Treigh was very proud this evening...Rich won another golf tournament and had to cash in his merchandise winnings this evening. He had a couple of extra dollars left so he bought a sleeve of balls for Treigh. Treigh was elated...and immediatley said THANK YOU SO MUCH Daddy! He then wanted to mark them so Rich helped him, then he put them back in the sleeve and told Rich not to let him forget to take them to the gof course...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What's New

This is Birkley one morning when we went in to wake Treigh! She lights up when i put her on his bed because she can pull up and stand all on her own.

Birkley had her 6 month check-up a couple of days ago. She weighs 20 pounds and is 28 inches long. She loves standing, pulling up, and crawling. She also loves making raspberries, and has started mocking us more and more. She makes the "mmmmmaahhh" sound for a kiss when I do it to her, then laughs likes crazy. She has also started to let us know when she wants us or something. She makes an "angry ugg-like grunt" when she wants us, but when she wants Treigh is is more high-pitched and happy. She has also started showing us a little temper too. When we take something from her she is not always happy when we supplement with another toy...she wants the one that we have taken.
In a "mommy-oops" moment when I was helping Treigh get some juice this evening, she ate her first chunk of paper from a advertisement card. I saw her tear it off, but she swallowed it down before I could get to her. I am sure it won't be the worst thing she eats!
Treigh is turning into a little man and going through the terrible 2-3's at the same time. Last night at dinner Rich was telling us something and he interrupted by saying. "um daddy, your not posed to talk with your mouth full." I cracked up. Then after dinner they went out to do something with some clubs in the garage so I changed the channel from football to another channel. When they came in, he came into the living room, looked at the TV, then looked at me, pointed his finger and shouted, "you don't change that channel, I was watching that football game."
His current Santa wish list includes, "shovels and rakes," "a santa bucket," and "a pair of golf shoes."
We still have mastered the potty-training as he has absolutely refused to go near the toilet, but will tell us when he is pooping.

Killian's Birthday

We went to Killian's 2nd birthday party on Sunday afternoon. We were at Wal-Mart just before it and Treigh spotted silly string that he insisted he get for the two of them. It was absolutely hilarious because they both got so excited and didn't even know what it was. It was a bummer because neither one was strong enough to spray it, but loved it when the big kids helped them.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

T & B

This is Birkley's latest...pulling up and standing. She loves "thinking" she is in charge. She pulles up to absolutely everything right now. I was standing at the washer and dryer tonight doing laundry and she crawled over to me and grabbed on to my legs and tried to pull up to me there...she loves standing and holding onto the chairs...but obviously we don't leaver her there alone like the picture seems. She is scooting everywhere in her walker and she has been repeating several sounds lately...maybe ma-ma isn't far off.

Treigh and I went to watch Rich in the final round of the Terre Haute City Golf Tournament this afternoon. I was a bit worried that Treigh would be too loud or want to be with Rich etc. We got there just as they made the turn and Treigh lasted to whole back nine with no problems at all. He loved seeing his dad "hittin shots." Rich was a bit diappointed because he ended up in a tie for second. He had a few choice words for his putting the past two weekends. But...Treigh had fun and this only shows that he really is becoming such a big boy.

I look at both of them as I kiss them each good night before I go to bed and sometimes I just want to cry because they make me SO happy and complete. I honestly do not know what I would do with out them. My family makes each and every day so bright for me and I love them so much.

Happy B-day Cory

Cory, our nephew turned 9 on the 22nd. We went down to visit for dinner, cake, and presents. Treigh always loves playing with the kids. Cory got a rip-stick and almost had it mastered before we left. He is just getting to be so big...we were talking about the evening that he was born and it seems like just yesterday.


Like I said, Treigh loved the circus...

...especially the GIANT sucker he had to have!

The Park

A couple of weeks ago we met my friend Shanna and her kids, Kailey, Brooklyn, and Parker at Demming Park. The park has a wonderful playground area for the kids.

Just chillin'.

Little Italy

We went to the LIttle Italy festical with some friends of ours. Treigh always loves spending time with the Staggs girls and Gabe Smith. I know that these pics are old, but there were some cute one. Treigh got to do mini bungee type "ride" and he loved riding the rides with the girls, Ellie and Abbey Staggs.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Latest

I know, I haven't posted in forever...
We have been extremely busy and by the time I have time to post, it is also time to SLEEP! I feel like we are finally in somesort of a routine, however, there is always something that throws a kink in there.

Nothing extremely exciting going on...except that we took Treigh to the Barnum and Bailey circus at Conseco last Friday evening. He absolutley loved it. He keeps on telling Rich and I that we need to go back "next weekend." That is also one of his lastet saying...everything is "can we do that next weekend?" He is just so grown up for 2 1/2...He contimues to make us laugh daily. He has really gotten "into" Birkley lately. He really seems to want to play with her, include her, and make her laugh...which he is very good at. He is very good with her and loves when she and I go in and wake him up each morning. He imagination has really shown lately as he is always telling us some "story" or letting us know that some animal is either eating with us, or is going to eat!

Birkley is growing like crazy. She is now right at 20lbs. She eats cereal and fruit for breakfast...followed by a bottle, two jars of food at lunch...followed by a bottle, and two jars of food and cereal at dinner...followed by a well as a bottle every three hours in between each smorgasboard! She is now crawling. It is not a full out crawl, but when she wants something, there is no stopping her...she figures out how to get it. She can also clap now. Treigh thought it was the coolest thing in the world that she actually clapped when we prompted her. She is doing more mimmicking too. They love to sit at the dinner table and slap their hands on it...all it takes is one slap from Treigh and she gets going...laughing the whole time.

I will try to upload some pics very always takes so long =(

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy B-Day Mommy

My birthday was Monday. We went out to eat with my mom, but had to hurry back because Rich, Treigh, and Birkley ordered me an ice cream cake for dessert!

The Latest

Here is my "baby boy." I have called Treigh that since he was little, and he says to me quite often, "am I your baby boy." My reply is always will be.

Treigh says some of the funniest things right now. He definitely pays attention to what we say. He and Birkley have been on antibiotics and the other day I asked him if something was wrong because he looked a little puny. His reply was, "I'm okay Honey!" Obviously Rich calls me honey! He is also in a bad habit of switching words around...for example he absolutely HATES the "wash car," and he asks me to "please buckle me out" each time I get him out of his seat. He told me that he was going to go outside and mow the other evening when it was raining and I said ok, whatever. He replied with a very firm, "I am serious mom, the yard needs mowed!" He is also using "on purpose" quite a bit. He told Marianne the other when she aksed him if he took something from someone, "yeah, on purpose." He is just growing everyday and it amazes me the things he does and says.

Birkley loves the bounceroo. She also loves Treigh, food, bottle, ME, chewing...chewing...chewing, and did I mention chewing!!! Treigh and I are in the process of teaching her to say ma-ma. She will just watch and watch us and she even moves her mouth a bit, but no sounds yet. She is crawling backwards and can scoot forward when she wants a toy. She can bend completely over from a sitting position, reach to pick up a toy, and sit back up. Her favorite baby food is squash and bananas. She is one up on Treigh in that she does like her greens. Treigh would not touch green beans or peas, but however, she won't touch peaches???
Now that I am gone all day at daycare, she does not like for me to be out of her sight in the evening. If I leave, or leave the room, she is fine, but if she can hear or see me then she throws a royal fit...kind of makes me feel good!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Latest

Ok, I know, I haven't posted in forever. I honestly have thought about it several times over the past week, but I went back to work on Monday and the kids came on Tuesday, so things aroung our house have been a bit crazy. Treigh and Birkley were on this wonderful "summer schedule"...go to be around 11:30 and sleep into until 9:00-10:00. However, this doesn't quite work when I have to get up at 5:00 in oder to get everyone up, fed, dressed, out to daycare, and back to work by 7:30ish...I say ish because that is always my goal, but it is usually more like 7:45. Treigh had no problem going back to fact he begged, and Birkley loves watching the kids play etc.
We had an absolute wonderful summer and as much as I love teaching, I would stay home if I could...however, the finances would, lets say, be a bit!

Birkley turned five months this past week and is growing and changing every day. She is sitting up all by herself and actually prefers to do that and play with toys than anything else right now. She does enjoy the bounceroo and of course when we lay and play. When I put her on her tummy she immediatley goes to all fours now. She was actually rocking this afternoon, but no luck (thank God)! She is eating about 1 1/2 jars of baby food now for dinner, but would much prefer the food on our plates. She threw an absolute fit the other night leaning and reaching for my plate. She really likes biter bisquits and such, I know she is actually not "old" enough, but it is not like I give it to her and walk out of the room. She is talking more and more all of the time and has even started mimicking some sounds too. And, how do I forget, we have our first tooth...well, almost, it is not quite broke through all of the way just yet, and the drouling still comes by the bucket.

Treigh is, as Rich says many times a day, "a piece of work." He surprises me, infuriates me, loves me, amazes me, makes me laugh...each and every day...the joys of a two year old. No, I am in love with this stage of his life because he shows me something everyday that makes me feel good about being his mom. Each day on the way to daycare we pass the golf course. Treigh tells me every morning, "hey mom, there's my dad's and my golf course." One day he told me that "my dad and I live there," and another day he said in the most sincere voice, "I LOVE hitting "golfing shots" there mom." To say the least, he is in love with golf. He is slowly creeping out of the terrible-terrible twos, now we are just in the terrible twos... but getting much better by the day. Rich has many nicknames for Treigh...he has a habit of saying to Treigh, "come on Ron." This has slowly taken the place of "Shoeman." Now, Treigh will say to Rich, "I'm just Ron, you are Ronzio." Don't have a clue of where it came from, but is cute.
Along with being two, Treigh's biggest question to me all of the time is, "what happened mom, and why?"

Bath Time

Here are a couple of shots of bath time...the kids absolutely love it. Treigh just likes it in general and Birkley loves watching Treigh.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Baby Kamden

Kamden McMullen Shields...8 lbs, 21 in

My best friend Brianne and her husband welcomed their second son into the world this afternoon. They now have Kylen, Killian, and Kamden. Congratulations!


The cousins, aunt Lu and Grandpa came up for the day. Obviously Treigh is not in any of these pics...he was too busy playing with whoever was not being photographed. He was one worn out boy this evening...9 holes at the golf course with daddy and the boys, swimming and playing with the kids, and no nap makes for a tired toddler!

Cory and Birkley

Kyle and Birkley

Katy and Birkley