Sunday, October 18, 2009

How Sweet!

My precious angels!!!
This was the other morning as Rich and I were getting ready...I looked in and immediatley had to run and get the camera!
I was on fall break this past Thursday and Friday. We didn't do anything extra special, but is was SO nice getting to spend all day every day with the kids.
Birkley is now in full out crwl mode and has started getting into to everything...especially Treigh's "cool" toys. She has also started waving back at cute.
Treigh's newest is somewhat funny, but you have to blame Rich for the adult content. Treigh's reply to EVERYTHING you say is WHY. The other evening Rich replied back with, "why ask why, drink Bud Dry." Treigh laughed and replied to him, "yah dad, why ask why, drink butterflies." So now every time he asks Rich "why" they banter back with, "why as why, drink "butterflies.""
Treigh also has a new friend...imaginary that is. "Dinkie is now a somewhat permanent fixture in our house...sometimes he spends whole days in Rich's trunk, and others he joins us for dinner. Dinkie is not around all of the time, but will pop in at the most random times...LOL! We'll see where and how lond this goes?!?
Treigh was very proud this evening...Rich won another golf tournament and had to cash in his merchandise winnings this evening. He had a couple of extra dollars left so he bought a sleeve of balls for Treigh. Treigh was elated...and immediatley said THANK YOU SO MUCH Daddy! He then wanted to mark them so Rich helped him, then he put them back in the sleeve and told Rich not to let him forget to take them to the gof course...

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