Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Latest

Here is my "baby boy." I have called Treigh that since he was little, and he says to me quite often, "am I your baby boy." My reply is yes...you always will be.

Treigh says some of the funniest things right now. He definitely pays attention to what we say. He and Birkley have been on antibiotics and the other day I asked him if something was wrong because he looked a little puny. His reply was, "I'm okay Honey!" Obviously Rich calls me honey! He is also in a bad habit of switching words around...for example he absolutely HATES the "wash car," and he asks me to "please buckle me out" each time I get him out of his seat. He told me that he was going to go outside and mow the other evening when it was raining and I said ok, whatever. He replied with a very firm, "I am serious mom, the yard needs mowed!" He is also using "on purpose" quite a bit. He told Marianne the other when she aksed him if he took something from someone, "yeah, on purpose." He is just growing everyday and it amazes me the things he does and says.

Birkley loves the bounceroo. She also loves Treigh, food, bottle, ME, chewing...chewing...chewing, and did I mention chewing!!! Treigh and I are in the process of teaching her to say ma-ma. She will just watch and watch us and she even moves her mouth a bit, but no sounds yet. She is crawling backwards and can scoot forward when she wants a toy. She can bend completely over from a sitting position, reach to pick up a toy, and sit back up. Her favorite baby food is squash and bananas. She is one up on Treigh in that she does like her greens. Treigh would not touch green beans or peas, but however, she won't touch peaches???
Now that I am gone all day at daycare, she does not like for me to be out of her sight in the evening. If I leave, or leave the room, she is fine, but if she can hear or see me then she throws a royal fit...kind of makes me feel good!

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