Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Easter Bunny Visit

We went last Saturday to see the Easter Bunny. Mommy said that she was disappointed and that she didn't blame me for not smiling. She didn't think that he looked very "Easter-Bunny-like." Anyway, her's the pic of me and Mr. B.


Anonymous said...

The picture is adorable! Treigh you a very handsome Boy. It was great to see you this last weekend. Ryley was soo happy to see you, of course so were we. The sweetest thing I had see was when Treigh gave Ryley the baby doll. Love you guys. see you soon.
Love, Chasta, Bill and Ryley

Bryce said...


Tell your mom that if she didn't think he looked very "Easter Bunny" like, then go over to Elle's page and take a look at that one.