Wednesday, March 5, 2008

This and That

I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in awhile. I have been realy busy with my master's classes, day-to-day things, etc...
These are just a few pick of odds an ends. He is getting soo big, and I can't believe that he will be ONE in about three weeks. Enjoy!

We went out to eat this past weekend with grandpa, Aunt Lu, and the kids. Grandma joined us too. They love me, can't you tell. Kyle is my bud...he plays with me all of the time (he's in the middle cheesin' it up).

This seems to be a nightly ritual the past week or so. Yes, I fell asleep while eating...

Ball does not stop when I get in the tub...I am paying tribute to all the dunkers out there! SLAM!

Okay, contrary to what daddy says, mommy does do the laundry...she just does NOT like to...I think that is why she is training me. Either that or I am training for the olympics, because the laundry soap bottle is full...mommy says that I amaze her.

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