Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Latest

Every evening when we get home Treigh has to change into his Colts uniform...complete with a pair of my Christmas!

Bath time

So it has been a bit since I last posted. Things have been crazy around here. We have ball games every weekend, something just about every night of the week and then there is just the normal hustle bustle. Anyway, we are all doing well. Just a touch of the bug and some runny noses, but nothing MAJOR. The kids are growing and changing every day. Now that Birkley is walking she and Treigh seem to play so much better together. It is like he thinks she is the greatest now that she walks. Their favorite is to play chase...and play in the ball pit that GaGa got Birks for Christmas...yes, it made its way to my house...I lost the battle.

Birkley is now ten months old. She is...walking, talking like crazy, mimicking, loving baths, eating everything, has three teeth, and loving to play with anything Treigh is. Also...wearing 12 months, making her way to 18 months and is in a size 4 shoe.

Treigh is now "almost 3." We finally got him away from saying 2 1/2. He loves everything about Western Boone and the Webo boys. He loves going to practice with Rich and especially loves attention from the kids. He is learning letters now and knows several along with their sounds. He has slowly evolved into a little boy who thinks he is about 16...nonetheless, he's not my baby anymore. Also...wearing 4T, making his way to 5T/4s and is in a size 10 shoe.


Anonymous said...

Lovely blog! The photos are adorable!


Uptegrove Family said...

I love the update!!! Glad to hear Berkley is walking and Treigh and her play more together now. I am sure it is alot of fun just to sit and watch them play. or should I say,gt something done while they play together, since they are occupied by one another. Love you guys!!! Chasta, Billy and Ryley