Saturday, December 5, 2009


The latest...
Birkley...where do I even begin. Well, she has been pulling up and walking aroung things for about a month now. Just last week she took 2-3 steps a couple of times. However, what I think is most impressive, (since I can brag), she can be sitting in the middle of the floor and just stand up...and remain standing for quite some time. She has even bent over and picked up a toy and stood back up. All I can say is that I think that she is going to be a "get into EVERYTHING" child.
Her vocabulary and sounds are growing everyday. She can now say ma-ma (which was her first word) da-da, no-no, hi, and Treigh has taught her to say blah-blah-blah...always followed by a laugh froom both of them. It is almost as if she knows she is being a stinker!
She cut her first tooth on Thanksgiving (bottom left). She has now officially banned baby food...she totally refuses all. She wants whatever we are eating.

Treigh is completely into whatever Rich is doing...I mean WHATEVER...peeing, eating, reading the get the point. He has been going to practice with Rich on Saturdays. The other evening as he was shooting buckets, I heard him saying all kind of coaching lingo...."get a rebound Jay, get there-get there, 22-22, slide, good job. There was no rhyme or reason, just constant...and always with Jay. Jay is the only basketball player that also plays baseball, so he is really the only one that Treigh knows very well. Anyway, he had a meltdown the other day because he couldn't fine a specific ball. Why it matters, because we literally have 50 balls in the living room alone. Anyway, he wanted this specific ball because that was his "coaching ball" that he "coaches Jay with." When not coaching, and just shooting, he often falls down and demands that one of us help him up like the players do each other. He also picked up some ball-handling drills etc from practice. He can wrap a ball around a single leg and has almost mastered the figure eight. He is getting much better at dribbling as well.
Potty training...I am not even going there. Although, he has started wearing underwear over his diaper every day (his choice). And, he did poop in the toilet last night for the first time by himself. I am just going to let him decide when to officially train himself????!!!!????!!!!????

1 comment:

Live Laugh Love said...

Sounds like they are keeping you very busy. I learned that it goes much nicer when we let them decide when they want to potty train themselves. I can't wait to see you guys Christmas. Hopefully I can get off work. Love and miss you all.