Treigh had an absolute blast this year and Birkley just wanted to eat!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
"Pumpkin Patch"
Ok, every time we have planned to go to the actual pumpkin patch it has turned out to be freezing and raining. We thought that we better go get [umpkins somewhere last night even if it was raining. We made our way to "Country Folks Greenhouse" near Bainbridge and picked out some pumpkins last night.
First Sleepover
Treigh went to his first sleepover this past weekend (besides Ga Ga). He went and spent the night with Cory, Kyle, and Katy in Linton.
When we met Aunt Lu to drop him off, he kissed us, said goodbye, and demanded that LuAnne "shut the door."
He had a blast...and threw an absolute fit when I went to pick hom up. He asked aunt Lu if he could come back next weekend. Thanks so much to Aunt Lu, Grandpa, and the kids for making his first sleepover a big hit!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
How Sweet!
My precious angels!!!
This was the other morning as Rich and I were getting ready...I looked in and immediatley had to run and get the camera!
I was on fall break this past Thursday and Friday. We didn't do anything extra special, but is was SO nice getting to spend all day every day with the kids.
Birkley is now in full out crwl mode and has started getting into to everything...especially Treigh's "cool" toys. She has also started waving back at cute.
Treigh's newest is somewhat funny, but you have to blame Rich for the adult content. Treigh's reply to EVERYTHING you say is WHY. The other evening Rich replied back with, "why ask why, drink Bud Dry." Treigh laughed and replied to him, "yah dad, why ask why, drink butterflies." So now every time he asks Rich "why" they banter back with, "why as why, drink "butterflies.""
Treigh also has a new friend...imaginary that is. "Dinkie is now a somewhat permanent fixture in our house...sometimes he spends whole days in Rich's trunk, and others he joins us for dinner. Dinkie is not around all of the time, but will pop in at the most random times...LOL! We'll see where and how lond this goes?!?
Treigh was very proud this evening...Rich won another golf tournament and had to cash in his merchandise winnings this evening. He had a couple of extra dollars left so he bought a sleeve of balls for Treigh. Treigh was elated...and immediatley said THANK YOU SO MUCH Daddy! He then wanted to mark them so Rich helped him, then he put them back in the sleeve and told Rich not to let him forget to take them to the gof course...
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
What's New
This is Birkley one morning when we went in to wake Treigh! She lights up when i put her on his bed because she can pull up and stand all on her own.
Birkley had her 6 month check-up a couple of days ago. She weighs 20 pounds and is 28 inches long. She loves standing, pulling up, and crawling. She also loves making raspberries, and has started mocking us more and more. She makes the "mmmmmaahhh" sound for a kiss when I do it to her, then laughs likes crazy. She has also started to let us know when she wants us or something. She makes an "angry ugg-like grunt" when she wants us, but when she wants Treigh is is more high-pitched and happy. She has also started showing us a little temper too. When we take something from her she is not always happy when we supplement with another toy...she wants the one that we have taken.
In a "mommy-oops" moment when I was helping Treigh get some juice this evening, she ate her first chunk of paper from a advertisement card. I saw her tear it off, but she swallowed it down before I could get to her. I am sure it won't be the worst thing she eats!
Treigh is turning into a little man and going through the terrible 2-3's at the same time. Last night at dinner Rich was telling us something and he interrupted by saying. "um daddy, your not posed to talk with your mouth full." I cracked up. Then after dinner they went out to do something with some clubs in the garage so I changed the channel from football to another channel. When they came in, he came into the living room, looked at the TV, then looked at me, pointed his finger and shouted, "you don't change that channel, I was watching that football game."
His current Santa wish list includes, "shovels and rakes," "a santa bucket," and "a pair of golf shoes."
We still have mastered the potty-training as he has absolutely refused to go near the toilet, but will tell us when he is pooping.
Killian's Birthday
We went to Killian's 2nd birthday party on Sunday afternoon. We were at Wal-Mart just before it and Treigh spotted silly string that he insisted he get for the two of them. It was absolutely hilarious because they both got so excited and didn't even know what it was. It was a bummer because neither one was strong enough to spray it, but loved it when the big kids helped them. 
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