Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Catching Up

I am sorry that it has been a while since I last posted. We have been extremely busy lately with this and that. I thought I would just fill everyone in on the latest with the kids...and a couple cute stories too!

smiles and laughs all of the time...especially at Treigh.
rolled over...from her belly to her back.
wearing 3-6...mosting 6 month clothing.
drinking 8 oz bottles.
in a size 2 diaper
is very passive...only cries if she is hungry.

Treigh... (and I feel bad bc he has been doing these things for wuite some time but have forgot to "baby book" them)
knows his:
full name, and his "Treigh name," age, where he lives (Rockbille, Iniana), where Old Ma and Pa live (Bainvridge), birthday (March 28-9...we joke because we guess he is counting in the fact that his due date was the 28th...lol!), Birkley's full name, his ABC's, can count to "firteen," and lots of rhymes and songs.

The other morning I looked over at Birkley just as Treigh was pulling his hand away from her face...which had powdered sugar from a donut all over it. I calmly told Treigh that we don't give Birkley donuts, just "her" milk in her bottle. He looked up at me with an "are you stupid" look and said, "Why mommy, Birkey Baby yikes dronuts."
I classify this next little ditty Rich's fault. Ok, this might be gross, but Rich has always been obsessed with picking at the kids' noses. Treigh absolutely hates it, and Birkley has started to fuss as well too. The other evening I was outside for something and when I came in, Rich said that Treigh made Birkley cry, again. I asked what happened and was informed that Birkley has a scratch under her nose because Treigh was trying to pick her nose........go figure!

1 comment:

elle's mom said...

Very cute!
Happy Anniversary!!!