Sunday, May 31, 2009


I feel like I have so much to share...just not sure where to start...

Birkley's upper GI test came back negative for reflux...which I thought it she is doing fine. She went in for her 2 month well baby check and weighed 14 lbs 4oz and was 26 inches long. All is well there...She is just evolving into a little lady by the day.
She is also infatuated with Treigh right now too...she loves to watch him...usually dancing around or acting crazy. And...I know if Treigh was old enough he wouldn't appreciate this but it's one of those things that needs to go in the "baby book." I'm not sure why she likes him so much becasue I think he is showing signs of delayed jelousy...or something?!? Treigh is going through a stage right now where he is constantly throwing things at Birkley or hitting her in the face, you name it. My mom just keeps saying, "just remember, he is "2"." I hope that's it.
On a more positive note, we are working on potting training right now, and showing improvement little by little...but it is improvement. I am not rushing him at all...I would like to have it done, or well on its way by summer's end...I know you all are laughing...just wish me luck!
A few of Treigh's favorite saying right now...When you ask him something he replies with "yes," or "I don't." He also lets you know if he doesn't want to do something by telling you he "don't like it." He didn't want to talk to my mom the other night so he told her "I don't like you GaGa." he often asks, "I supposed to," and his vocabualry amazes me daily. He is big into days of the week right now as he argued with my mom and Rich that today was for sure Monday. He then made a comment about something happening next weekend? He loves singing and dancing especially in the well as taking his arms out of his carseat straps. Oh, and how can I forget about last week when I was driving 60+ down the high way and my interior lights came on as well as my the big "door ajar" sign across my navigation screen. Yes, he had used his arms, fresh out of the carseat, to pull open the door handle. Thank goodness he is not strong enough to push it open. Needless to say, the straps have gotten pretty tight the past couple of days.

Rich wrapped up his season with the WEBO Stars this past week as they got beat in the sectional by Lebanon. However, we don't have a break bc summer ball starts this Thursday.

We enjoyed several graduation parties this weekend as Rich had four seniors on his ball team. We had to pull Treigh away from each party.

We (the kids and I) are looking forward to having Rich home with us for the next two months...we have a vacation to Myrtle Beach planned in late July, but you will most likely find us lounging, relaxing, hanging pick the word!

until later...DeLisa

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Yesterday morning while Birkley was in her bouncy seat while I was getting ready she was uncharacteristically content for much longer than usual. I realized that it was that she has a new fascination with the yellow bear that hangs from the attached arch of toys. As I watched she continued to hit at the bear. I thought that it might be a fluke, but this happened again today, at two different times. She just sits and gazes, and smiles, and reaches for mr. yellow bear. Her first milestone...after smiling of course...if you call it a milestone.
I am definitely a proud mom...

Hangin' Out

Here are a few random pics...what we do just about every day...hang out. Our air has been out, so we have been somewhat miserable the past couple of is fixed now though so maybe we can sleep tonight!

I thought this was a good one that showed how long she is getting...

T making B smile!!!

Played too hard...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Photo Shoot

Too funny mommy...

...miss prim-n-proper...

...oh so sweet......................not quite there...

...ok, I couldn't hold it in anymore!

Monday, May 18, 2009


Birkley had been congested again just three days after she had finished her antibiotic so I took her back in to the doctor. Since we have ruled out several other things she wants to check her for reflux...although she is not spitting up, fussy, or any other side effects of, she thinks she might be refluxing and it is getting caught in a small pocket above her lungs and causing the continual infection. So, on Tuesday we go in for an upper GI scan. I am not worried at all about the scan...however I can not feed her after 4:30...and the scan is at 9:30...yikes! She is a growing girl...eating 5-6 ounces approx every 2 1/2 - 3 hours...yikes!
I will post the results...

stats at last dr visit...13 pounds!!!


Everything Treigh does he always mentions something about "the guys say that" or "the guys do that." He absolutley loves his post-game time with Rich's boys. They are a wonderful group of kids that think the world of Treigh too...or should I say "HouseCat" which they have nicknamed him...don't ask...not sure if I want to know???

This is Aaron daddy's catcher...he let me put his gear on the other night...this might be the only time daddy will ever let me where it...not sure if catching is in my future???
Trevin and me doing the "high five, to the side, down low, you're too slow" trick!

Baby Leyton

Washing my hands, "ALL BY MYSELF" If I hear this phrase too many more times I think I might screem. (notice him dangling...yes, he climbs up the cabinets mom says it is very reminiscent of me)

Leyton and his mommy Monica came to play with us the other day. We had a nice walk and played outside.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I thought I would get the swing out and give it a try with Birkley, as Treigh absolutely hated it. She loves it...she just sits and smiles and coos.

She is just growing up too quick!

Mr. Obvious

Okay, Treigh had been absolutely flooring me each day with phrases and one liners...her are just a few...

I was having problems with my contact the other morning and my eye was watering...Treigh asked me what was wrong and I told him that I thought I might have something in my eye...he matter of factly looked at me and said, "an eye?"

The other day we were on our way home from somewhere and I asked him what he wanted for lunch, he replied "food" with a "duh" undertone.

The shorts he had on the other day had strings int he front, but they did not actually drawstring. While he was shooting buckets I saw him bend down and start pulling at them. I didn't think anything of it and as I walked by him I heard him say, to himself, "these things are killing me." I asked him what he said and he repeated, " these things are killing me mommy, do something."

With help from the baseball boys, he has been saying various things that they have taught him. The other morning he came into the kitchen after he had been playing in the living room for awhile. Just as I was getting ready to say hey buddy and greet him, he looked up at me and said, "what's up dude?" I said nothing much buddy and went on...

more to come soon I am sure...

Mother's Day 2009

We went to the Maple Corner Restaurant with Rich's family and my mom for mother's day.

I am just so blessed this mother's day to have two wonderful, healthy, beautiful children...god truly has blessed me!

Grandma, Birkley, Me, and Treigh

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This and That

We have been keeping very busy with Rich's baseball lately...and might I add, they are on a 4 game winning streak...go stars!
The kids are finally felling better, but Treigh still has a terrible cough, just waiting to get rid of that. I need them to get well so we can go visit babies. My friend Shanna had a little boy about two weeks ago and we still haven't gotten to see him. We just don't want to pass on any nasty germs to new baby Parker.
One of my coworkers at the elementary had her little boy today, Parker as well. Also, my neighbor and coworker too is going in tomorrow to have her little girl, Kendall.
Speaking of babies...
We were talking about babies the other day and Treigh said he wanted a brother. My mom told him maybe next time mommy has a baby it can be a boy. He was satisfied, then asked if he could have a baby sister. I replied that he has a new baby sister. His response was, "no mommy, I want a baby sister that doesn't cry."
Honestly, Birkley isn't a bad baby and only cries when she is hungry or tired...she must have been both that!


This was the outfit of the day yesterday...

Hello mom...

Birkley is really smiling back at me quite a bit now...but of course, this is the best pic she would give me.

Sibling Love

Ok, so my daughter prefers not to have her pants on too...what is it with these kids???
We were just hanging out the other morning...what we do best these days!