Sunday, April 26, 2009

Baby Book

I thought I would explain why I sometimes put info on the blog that might not seem too important or interesting to all...okay, I have to admit, I have never really worked in either of Treigh or Birkley's baby books. Treigh's is started because before kids I didn't have anything else to do and Birkley's is still in the box with the pretty ribbon adorning diagonal corners. I decided when Treigh was about a year old that I would get a binder and simply print off each post as I did it, punch holes, and add it in. This is a much easier way than writing every cute little thing in the baby book and it also includes all of the important milestones, holidays, etc. Don't get me wrong, I have a stack of post-it notes with little notes of firsts like which tooth Treigh got first etc., but, this way I am not doing the same thing twice...and poor Birkley, I should at least write her name in her book.

Anyway, I have a couple of "baby book" items to insert, so read on if you choose...

Birkley: I took Birkley to the dr last Monday because she had been congested since her 2 week check-up. The dr said that since she didn't have a fever then she might have a milk allergy causing the congestion ( I am skeptical). So we switched to Infamil Lacto-free this past week. I know that it had only been a week, but there is no change in her "snot" and it is a very thin consistency and she eats more often then she did before...not sure it is as filling. So, if there is still no change by this week's end, I guess we try something else????

Treigh: I took Treigh to Marianne's (daycare/sitter) on Thursday because I had a dr's appointment and two annual case conferences for my special education students that I feel the need to attend. As we were reviewing the day's exciting happenings to my mom that evening Treigh told her that they took a walk to Marianne's house, saw Brenna's bunnies from the Easter Bunny, and caught frogs from the fish pond. In response my mom acts very excited as well and repeated to Treigh, "you caught frogs from the fish pond." Treigh's response was, very matter-of-factly, "yes, several." I said, "what did you say?" He then repeated, "several, I caught several mommy,...with a net too!" I may sound like one of those moms...but I thought that using the word several at age 2 was baby-book worthy!


elle's mom said...

Love the updates - if they recommend Nutramigen run the other way!!!! It works amazingly well but is SUPER expensive.

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