Sunday, November 9, 2008


Here I am of my new favorite things...mommy says that I was giving a goofy "cheeese" face.

In deep concentration

Ga-ga got me this cool "Little People" Thanksgiving set. It is one of my favorite after-dinner activities at the table.

CHEESE again...

Okay, so I have a thing for shoes...

Mommy was impresses that I actually walked around the house in them...

even more impressed when I climbed up on the step stool in them as well!

1 comment:

Uptegrove Family said...

He is getting so big! He is soo Adorably Cute! Ryley is upto about 25-26pounds and about 37 inches. He is catching up with her in height. He looks great! hope you are feeling good with this prenancy!
Love ya