Tuesday, April 8, 2008

1st Trip to the ER

Yesterday morning Rich called me at school to tell me that I needed to come home because Treigh had fallen and busted his eye open. After examining the cut, we decided to take him to the emergency room. Luckily the doctor felt it was best to use the skin glue instead of stitches. We were both amazed because the whole process didn't even seem to phase Treigh. Below you will see him in the pappoose just before the glue was applied. What normal child thinks this is funny? This is definitely not going to be our last trip to the er I am sure.
To top the day off, we had to go back to Terre Haute yesterday afternoon for his one year check-up and shots. He weighs 23.5 pounds and is 31 inches tall.

He has really been a trooper...not even touched it yet!

I had to take this one because it shows his eye and one of his legs with a bandage.

Perhaps this is the reason things like this happen. This was last night after the er and shots...the child fears nothing. I didn't mention before, but he was trying to climb into the entertainment center when he busted his eye open. He can also climb into the dining room chairs now too...as I entered the room and he was climbing up onto the table this evening. I am definitley going to keep him under careful eye...lol!
Note: I do put pants on the child...he just really prefers to run around without them on in the evening. Rich said I needed to note that...he actually said that he looked like a bum.


elle's mom said...

Glad to hear Treigh is doing okay!

Happy Mommy said...

Oh my goodness! Your son is going to keep you busy!