Friday, July 27, 2007

Bunko Babies

I am in a bunko club with several other gals from Terre Haute. Recently we were overwhelmed with the birth of several babies. Here are four of the five most recent arrivals. This is at our July bunko--pool party at our house! We had so much fun!

That's me there first in the pic. Next to me are Katie and Lauren. They were supposed to arrive on the same day that I was...but you know how the twin thing works sometimes, they came about a month earlier than I did. Next to the girls is our ring-leader, Miss Hannah Banana. She will be one this fall. My buddy Dane was absent from the festivities, I sure missed him. His birthday wils be about two weeks after mine. Hannah's big brother Ian was there too, as well as Miss Delaney. In a couple of years when she gets into her teens, she will have her hands full babysitting for us...
Much love to all of my bunko baby pals!

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