Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Evening

Christmas evening we went to my mom's, or Ga-ga's.

Another JD tractor...unfortunatley I couldn't ride on this one...
However, I can ride on my new hobby horse.
Treigh was shocked yet again on Christmas evening. My mom got him this horse, and he would not get off of it...notice the nice cowboy hat and boots to go along with the theme. Thanks Ga-Ga!

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning was so much fun this year. Treigh really enjoyed all of the excitement. Of course, once he saw the JD tractor, that was all that mattered.

He eventually came around and played with his other toys.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Eve Night

Every Christmas Eve when I was little Santa always stopped by my house on his way through town and droppped off a new nightgown or pajamas while we were gone to Christmas Eve service. I thought it would be neat to carry on this tradition with Treigh...this year he actually understood.

Oh, "tank you" Santa

My "sipper boots"

Sitting out Santa's cookies and carrots for the reindeer...and eyeing those cookies very closely.

Just one bite won't hurt...
Listening to daddy read "Twas the Night Before Christmas."

Christmas Eve

We always spend the day with Rich's family on Christmas Eve. Grandpa and Aunt Lu got Treigh a motorized golf cart. Needless to say he was absolutely thrilled.

Mommy, Treigh, Daddy

Cory, Kyle, Katy, and Treigh looking all nice and neat...

then there was play and the sweaters came off!

Treigh playing with his Little People Airplane.
Taking a spin on his new ride!

Christmas Cookies

Treigh had a ton of fun helping me bake Christmas cookies this year...

He LOVED eating the dough!

Famouse "cheese"


Treigh's surgery on his ears went exceptionally well. He never cried through the entire process...not even when they took him from us and back to surgery. The nurses awarded him with the "patient of the day" award. They were very impressed.
Doesn't daddy look!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Treigh goes in for surgery tomorrow to get tubes put in both ears. I am glad that we won't have to play the antibiotic game anymore...hopefully!

He is very excited about Santa coming and bringing him toys...

We have a busy week ahead of most of you.

I have to tell a quick little story. My mom, Treigh, and I were on our way to Crawfordsville on Saturday and I asked him what he wanted to eat for lunch...plain as day, not in "Treigh talk," he replied and said, "I food." Maybe you just had to be there, but it was very funny just the way he said it...and I was shocked at the clarity of the words. He is definitely growing up!

Talk, talk, talk

I just love to talk on the phone...mommy says that I am just like daddy, and that she is glad that I don't know my letters yet because then I would text all of the time like daddy too!

Go Colts

Thursday night when the Colts played Rich took Treigh back to change his diaper and Treigh wanted to put his Colts jersey on too. He kept showing me the sleeve where the Reebok symbol is and said, "ike daddy's." I pants...he has a tendancy to scoot away before you get them back on...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Disney On Ice

This past Saturday we took Treigh to see the Disney On Ice Show at Conseco. We were a bit unsure of how he would do because it was a 2 hour show. The first hour he was perfect, then he played a bit at intermission and he lasted about 25 minutes into the second half before he started getting really antsy. All he was concerned about was the people next to us' popcorn. However, he really enjoyed the larger characters...shark, dragon, beast...and especially the zamboni...the big "ice truck" as he called it as it smoothed the ice at intermission. It was definitely worth every penny.

Daddy and me

my "cheese smile"

I didn't care much for the cotton candy

The show starts...

very intrigued...

my crown that came with my $10 cotton candy...

still watching...

Farewell our friends!

Monday, December 8, 2008


Each evening when the water in the tub finally drains and I can convince Treigh to get out of the bath he stands in the tub and grunts as hard as he can...the first time he did this I thought he was trying to poop...but when I asked him what he was doing he said "pee-peeing" and I looked down and he was. He gains great pride out of watching the pee run out and into the tub and down the drain. This has been an every night occurance for about a month now...including the night that daddy was unaware of his new trick and Treigh showed him in his room on his carpet.
Tonight when I was undressing him for his bath I thought I would give the toilet a try...I put him up on his step-stool and told him to go pee-pee like daddy does in the big potty. He stood there for a few seconds grunting...and bingo...he peed in the toilet like a "big-boy." The look on his face was "oh, my god, I am a big-boy."
I realize that I am not even close to having him potty-trained, but we are headed in the right direction. Way to go Treigh!!!!


Treigh was really excited to go see Santa. Of course we couldn't catch him smiling because he was too worried about his candy cane. This Santa was actually an okay Santa...nothing like the Easter Bunny last spring...especially the Jones' scary.

Monday, December 1, 2008


I am so sorry that I haven't posted in awhile. Things around here have been very busy...I'm sure most of you have been too. Last Wednesday I took Treigh back to the doctor because he had a terrible cough and a very runny nose. I suspected maybe another ear infection and I was right...the third double ear infection in eight weeks. So, we go see an ENT next week to see what the "pro" thinks. We'll see.
Our house has been the "house of sickness" lately.
Treigh has been battling his ear infections which he has visibly shown irritation this time...
Rich has had a severe sinus infection causing quite a bit of uncomfort...
and yesterday I came down with the flu...yes the vomitting one. Luckily it lasted less than 24 hours. I just pray that Treigh nor Rich get it...PLEASE!!!
Enjoy the pics below.

Trismas Tee

Here I am in front of our "trimas tee." I am smiling nice for mommy here...

but here is my "cheese" smile...

and a close up for fun. Mommy says I am a goober!


We hosted Thansgiving again this year...Grandpa, Aunt Lu and Uncle Brent, Cory, Kyle, and Katy, and Ga-ga all came to eat and celebrate. Here is a pic of Katy and me...the boys were outside playing...I couldn't go out because I am still trying to get over my double ear infection. Then there is grandpa, daddy, and me too!

Spaghetti...Choc Pudding

I was living the life...spaghetti and chocolate shirt for sure!!!