Sunday, December 16, 2007

Kitchen Fun

I love getting into the cabinets in the kitchen now. Mommy has assigned me my own special door. She gave me some plastic bowls and cups to keep in it just for me to play with while she is cooking etc. You might notice the sprite...I reached throught the other side of "my" cabinet and pulled it out. It is quite fun to play with too!

Ryley & Me

This is my cousin Ryley. We went out to dinner the other evening with her and her mommy and daddy. We don't get to see them very often because they live in Missouri. Her daddy just happened to be working in Terre Haute for the convenient it was. Mommy was sad that she didn't get any pics where we were looking at the camera...Ryley is just so cute!
Much Love to the Zouri clan,

Sunday, December 9, 2007

My First TOOTH!

I finally have a tooth. My bottom left tooth came in this weekend. Mommy was so excited for me. I wanted to tell her, there's nothing to be excited about. I would be happy to have her cut them for me then pass them along.

Chew on!!!

Table Fun

Old Ma got me this table for Christmas. It is so fun. It has a cup, bowl, plate, salt and pepper, and even a napkin. They all sing and say funny things when I push them. I really like standing at the table too. It is my perfect height! Thanks so much Old Ma and Old Pa.

Hello mom!

This is what I look like in the morning. Mommy caught me in my pj's.

My First Real Snow!

Okay, so mom got a little excited about the first "dusting" of snow. At least this one was measurable. She wouldn't let me play in it yet, but I can't wait until she does.
Love to all,

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

1st Snow

It's my first snow...

Today when we woke up we didn't have 2-3 inches like the weather men said...however we did have a nice heavy dusting. I made Rich take our picture before we left for school. You can't hardly see it behind us, but it is there! We are looking forward to having a snow big enough where we can take Treigh out and play a bit.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Latest

I just wanted to update everyone on what is going on in Treigh's life right now...
Treigh's most favorite thing to do right now is to pull up and walk around everything...I think his goal is to get into everthing! He still loves eating. He eats pretty much anything that Rich and I eat, and his favorite snack is wagon wheels. He still does not have any teeth ( he gnaws the wagon wheels just like he would if he had is quite cute)! At daycare he would much rather be playing in with the toddlers than in the baby room. He thinks the bigs kids are just IT!
We are going to see santa this weekend and I am sure that Treigh will love him. He does not know a stranger and will go to anyone. I will post the pics after.

Until later,