Sunday, August 26, 2007

Poor Thing

Well, we had our first sickness. This past week Treigh caught a virus of somesort. It made him so sick...he missed two days of daydare. The poor thing couldn't keep a bottle down...thank goodness for pedialyte! I joked because I said that instead of having to stay home with him, I got to!!! He is feeling much better now, however, he let us know yesterday he was not quite ready for the carrots!

New things...
~walking backward and forward in walker.
~sitting up better and better each day.
~when we enter at daycare and he sees his pals he gets excited and leans over and make an ug sound as if he wants grown up!
~wants anything we are eating or drinking...this is not new, however it is all of the time now!


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Mmmm Mmmm!

So, we finally got Daddy home for and evening to tape me enjoying my first baby food, carrots! Mommy said that I did a great job with them. I thought they were pretty tastey! I can't wait for more flavors...mmm mmm!

I not only had my first food today, I showed mommy and daddy that I can sit up on my own now. They think I am so talented! Mommy will have to add a pic of me in action soon!


I am officially a daycare baby now. Mommy went back to work on Monday. This is Miss Tina. She treats me great. I am having a blast with all of my friends...Kyle, Hudson, Jenna, and Lily. We play all day long...jumperoo, walkers, rolling around, know, all that baby stuff!

So I had to go back to school on Monday. When I took Treigh in, the ladies informed me that I was not the typical first-time mom. They said it was not normal that I was not crying, shaking, nervous, etc. Although it was tougher than I thought it was going to be, it was not as tough as everyone thought it would be for me...considering I have been off work since spring break. I just feel comfortable with the people that I am leaving Treigh with, and that makes a world of difference. So, hats off to the Rockville Christian Church Daycare. We are very pleased!


I love this chair!

I love sitting in mommy's chair. She says that I think I am big stuff...what ever that means!
Treigh absolutely loves sitting in my chair. He always looks over at Rich in his chair like, "hey look at me, I have a chair too." He has recently started doing the raspberry sound with his lips. He again thinks he is just something else. He also started showing us a bit of a temper. This morning when his chew ring would not go in his mouth the way he thought is should, he purposely threw it down, made an ugg sound, and looked at me with a disgusted look on his face.
Obviously, he is changing every day and we are thouroughly enjoying it!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Getting Big

Treigh is just over four months old now...I can not believe it. Time flies when you're having fun...and boy do we have fun in our house!

Mommy wanted to give an updated version of the nightly routine...she said too bad you can't hear us. I definitley take after Daddy in the snoaring department!

I look in pain, however I was just recovering from a tickling session...yes, administered by the pops!

Mommy wanted to show everyone my cute, but BIG feet. Dr. Malik was right when he told mommy before I was born that I had big feet (maybe that's why I couldn't wear the shoes that mommy bought to bring me home in from the hospital?!?) I wear a size three now...that is when mommy can find crib shoes in that size. Thanks to mommy's friend, my friend Elle's mommy, Stephanie, mommy got me some great pedipeds. If you've never heard of them you should definitely check them out...oh so heavenly on the tootsies!
My feet are not the only thing growing. Mommy and her friend Kyla went shopping at the Edinburg Outlets this past weekend. Mommy bought me several fall/winter outfits in size 9 months...she has to return them because they basically fit me now...not much room to grow!

Much love to all,