Friday, June 22, 2007

Getting So Big

Treigh's 2 month doctor's appointment was yesterday. Let's just say...he doesn't miss too many meals. The nurse asked me just before we weighed him for my guess. I said 15 pounds and she laughed at me. She said that there was no way that he weighed more than 13. She was very surprised when the scale balanced at 15 pounds 8 ounces. Mom was right ...but isn't that usually how it is. So he weighs 15 1/2 pounds and is currently 25 inches long. This was also the appointment that he got 3 shots. He was such a big boy and did a great job. I think half of the reason that he cried was because he was mad because she was holding him down. I was a bit worried about what might come from the shots. I had heard so many horror stories...high fevers, crying for hours, vomitting, etc. I guess we are lucky because he was just a bit cranky yesterday evening. He is such a happy-go-lucky baby that Rich and I laughed because even between his little wimpers and cries, he still managed to get in several grins and giggles.

Again, we are so lucky to have Treigh. I thank God everyday for this precious gift of life that he entrusted to Rich and me.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Always something new!

I can't believe that Treigh is 2 1/2 months old now. It seems like yesterday we were on our way to the hospital. I am not naive to the fact that babies do grow up very quickly...however, it amazes me the things that he does new every day. He is getting to have such a great little personality. He laughs, giggles, smiles, coos, is something all of the time! I can't begin to explain the feeling that I feel when he turns to look for me when he hears my voice or best of all, when he looks up at me and grins from ear to ear! It makes tears comes to my eyes...

Much love to all,

Monday, June 18, 2007

Good Morning

Good morning sunshine is what mommy always says to me in the morning. I really like the morning time...always eager to chat in the a.m. Although, conversations are not limited...I chat quite a bit throughout the day too!

On the Go...

These are just a few pics of me in my car seat. Mommy wanted to show you because she says that I really don't mind being in it...I guess some babies don't like their seats???

Father's Day

Happy 1st Father's Day daddy! Like my card said...if I loved you any more, I would have to get a bigger heart! You are the best daddy any boy could ask for. I can't wait for all the fun we are going to have when I get bigger!!!!

For Father's Day we went to Aunt Lu Anne and Grandpa's house. We swam, played, and cooked out for dinner. We had so much fun!

This is my grandpa and me. He's the Sr. you know... He always likes to hold me and he thinks I am a good baby!

Fun Friday

Last Friday my Aunt LuAnne, Grandpa and cousins came to swim. Here we are hanging out in the pool!

Later that night we went to Indy to Victory Field to watch Uncle Brent's Shakamak Lakers play in the baseball state finals. This was my first trip to the field. I am sure it won't be my last.

Here I am with my Aunt Lu Anne. She loves to hold me.

Rescue Boat to the "rescue"

This is my pal Ky and me again. We are taking a dip in our pool. Kylen is a really good swimmer...she can even swim in the deep end...I don't think I'm quite there yet. Give me my boat and I am good to go!

This is me in my rescue boat. A big thanks goes out to my great aunts Rusa, Robin and DeeAnn...they got my mommy this boat for me for a shower gift. If you can't tell...I am sleeping in the two pics above. Mommy says that she thinks that the constant rocking of the water rocks me to sleep.

This is Kylen's mommy, Brianne. See her little baby in her belly...I just can't wait for it to come. Mommy says she is so cute with her little belly!

Here we are again...just hanging out after our swim. Now who would't love to be held by a cute girl like that. Did I mention that I really like her...she makes me smile!

Lots of love to the McMullen girls...(Kieran was there too!)

My First Time Swimming

These are all pics of my first time swimming in our pool. The water was a bit chilly at first, but I got used to it right away. Mommy was so proud of me becasue I didn't even cry. She was so happy that I like the water, because she sure likes to lounge in the pool...

Oh so cute...

Hello mommy!

Mommy said that I was being silly for the camera.

Big yawn.........I was getting tired here.

When I'm tired, I will sleep anywhere...anyway!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Richard Alan Schelsky III ~ "Treigh"

On the evening of March 29, 2007, God blessed Rich and I with a beautiful healthy baby boy. Weighing in at 8 lbs, 10 oz, and stretching to 21 inches long, Treigh made his entrance into this world. For those of you who do not know, Treigh is actullay named after Rich and his dad...Richard Alan Schelsky. Treigh is the III, hince the nickname, "Treigh". As you can tell by the title, our world is all about our little bundle of joy. I hope that all of you enjoy keeping up with us...

Treigh's mommy

Pics, Pics, Pics!

The following pics are from the time Treigh was born until the present. They are in reverse order, so if you want to start from when Treigh was born...just scroll down. I am caught up now, so everything should be pretty recent from here on out!


Mommy's Favs

Aunt Lu snapped this one just before I closed my eyes to snooze. This is my favorite position to sleep on anybody!

This is me giving daddy kisses...I prefer the nose!

I am two months old now...can you believe it! I really enjoy talking with and smiling at my mommy. My favorite time to chat is in the morning. Mommy says all the time that I am her little punkin, but daddy has called me "little man" from day one!

Here I am sporting one of my several pieces of Nike! Mommy says that I am definitely her and daddy's "rookie of the year."

Shortly after my bath...which I absolutely love! Although my mom loves all of the pics she takes, she says that this one is one of her favs!

There is much more to don't wait too long before you check me out again!
Future posts..."People That Love Me."

Guess who?

This is one of my best pals, Kylen. She loves to come and visit me...and feed me! Her mommy is my mommy's best friend too! Kylen is going to have a baby brother or sister at the end of September. I hope it is a boy so that I can play ball with him...however my mommy thinks it is a girl. I guess she will just have to be my girlfriend!
Lots of love to Ky!

This is my Grandma. Let me tell you...this gal is the greatest grandma any boy could ever want! She comes to see me every day and I just love it. She spoils me a lot, and best of all, she says she loves me very much. I have it in my head, but I am not revealing what I have decided to call her. She and mommy talk about it all the time.

This is my moms showing the camera what daddy and I got her on Mother's Day...diamond earrings. Daddy says you can never go wrong with jewelry...especially not for our favorite mommy!

This is us three at Aunt Lu's just before we went to my cousin Kyle's pre-school graduation. Mommy says she just can't believe that Kyle is going to be in kindergarten...and Cory in 1st grade.

More about me...

Snoozing in mommy's recliner.

Daddy came in with a stack on one's one evening and handed them to me. I think he was pretty surprised by the reaction I gave him. Mommy says that this is not a good father like son!

This is a picture of my daddy and me just as I was getting ready to take my first golf-cart ride at Rea Park where daddy works! I am one month old now.

Me in deep thought...or something like that...

It's more pics of me!

This is me going through my first Easter basket. Daddy is showing me my first basketball. He tells me all the time that I have to go bed early because I have to get up early so that I can get my 100 jumpers in before he heads to work.

Just hanging with my main gal...mommy!

This is mommy and me during my first time out to eat...Applebee's! Don't let mommy fool you...I stuck to the basics...enfamil w/ iron, yum yum!

This is me with my cousins, Cory (holding me)...he's 6, Kyle who is 5, and Katy who is 4. They love me so much. Their mommy is my daddy's sister...and let me tell you, she is the best aunt any baby could ask for!

My First Day Home

In my take-home outfit...

This is my Grandma holding me after my mommy took me out of my take-home outfit because she thought I might get something on it.

Obviously this is my daddy and me lounging in his big recliner. We have since made this a nightly ritual.